Welcome to the ICN
The ICN is a statewide fiber optic network that provides telecommunications services to education, government, healthcare, and public safety entities in Iowa.
Sectors We Serve
K-12 Schools, Area Education Agencies, Community Colleges, Public and Private Colleges, and Libraries
Judicial branches, State and Federal government locations, and other authorized government locations.
Hospitals, clinics, healthcare service locations, and Iowa Hospital Associations’ healthcare broadband network (IRHTP)
Public Safety
Public Safety & Iowa HSEMD locations, Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) locations, and National Guard armories.
Featured Solutions
Combining the ICN's state-wide network with Zoom's cloud-based platform offers exceptional communication solutions.
Cloud Connect
Our Cloud service, Private Connectivity, leverages direct connections to cloud entities & creates a secure environment.
Managed Firewall
Our Managed Firewall solutions provide private and secure protection for your organization.
Managed Voice
ICN's Managed Voice service is hosted from a cloud environment to bring flexible voice management solutions.
DDoS Mitigation By the Numbers
DDoS Mitigation Statistics between July 2023 - June 2024.
Learn more about our DDoS Mitigation Service.
Detected DDoS Attacks on the State’s Network that were Successfully Mitigated.
11h, 59m
Longest DDoS attack on the State’s Network.
2.96 TB
Largest Total DDoS Bandwidth Mitigated.
The Latest News
About the ICN
The Network has evolved over the years. Here are some facts to familiarize yourself with what the ICN has to offer.

Mission and Vision
A state-of-the-art fiber optic network providing telecommunications services to its authorized users including high-speed Internet, data, voice, security, & consulting services.
Statewide Youth Broadband Advisory Council
The youth opportunity is for high school students to discuss Internet topics, learn about tech companies, and more.
Peer to Career
Providing an exclusive program for the Ottumwa Job Corps Center’s Network Cable Installation (NCI) students.

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